VIAFIL®( modified Olefin fiber) has incredible
benefits for soldiers in action.
1. increased accuracy of the soldier A German research program has proven
that people who are exposed to negative ion stream (what VIAFIL® does)
make 10 to 15 pct less mistakes and sleep better
2. anti – stress The Viafil yarn has a medically proven anti stress effect
i.e. better results for soldiers in action.
3. Greater comfort warm, dry, anti – odor socks and underwear underwear
and socks made of Vaifil keep you warm and dry and keep bad smells away
from you.
The use of VIAFIL® fibers in military garments can be a decisive element
when in battle.
Using Viafil modified olefine yarns in 100 pct or in blends with natural
fibers will improve comfort for the wearer, durability ie longer lasting
garments, lighter in weight, quicker in drying, friendlier to the skin,
easy to wash etc…..
Internationaal erkend
en gecontroleerd
Verschillende europeese en amerikaanse laboratoria
gespecialiseerd in het fysiek en intensief tesen van hoogwaardig textil,
hebben VIAFIL ® getest en vegeleken met soortgelijke kledij in Katoen,
Poly/katoen , Polyamide etc.. Alle resultaten bewijzen de superioriteit
van VIAFIL ® op heel veel gebieden.
De labels die VIAFIL ® vertegenwoordigen: